Performing for Gloria Steinem at the SNHU Women’s Leadership Summit

❊ speaking ❊
My approach to speaking is unique; I extend enchanting invitations to co-create in the moment, encouraging us all to reclaim our innate wisdom and benefit from the magic of a group gathering. I blend music, the art of storytelling, innovative technology, and the wisdom of nature as a teacher, healer, and guardian of knowledge. Throughout my journey, I've had the privilege of speaking and performing at many events, and podcasts, including the United Nations Green Tent Conference, Rise Up Rooted, International Coach Federation, International Manufacturing Technology Conference, Colby College, St. Mary's College of Notre Dame, and Hospice of Southern Maine to name a few.
Common topics for speaking engagements:
FOREST BATHING: Rekindling Our Connection with Mother Earth -- From finding "sit spots" to making offerings, when we immerse ourselves in the rest of the natural world (we are nature too) we receive immense benefits, as scientific research now shows. Among them: Lowered stress cortisol, reduced heart rate, lowered triglycerides, boosted immune system, reduced risk of psychiatric disorders, improved attention, increased cognitive flexibility, increased empathy and cooperation, enhanced feelings of optimism, perspective and connection, enhanced creativity and resilience, and the feelings of awe and wonder. Imagine that! Perhaps because we once called our forest floor "home," our bodies innately remember what it feels like to return to connection, reverence, and reciprocity with nature.
NATURE: The Antidote to Tumultuous Times -- The health and wellbeing of humans is declining. By many measures, we are suffering. I believe, as do several visionaries, that we are suffering from Nature Deficit Disorder. By cultivating a practice of re-connecting with nature (we are nature too), humans can return to balance and wholeness. Jennifer shares seven practical tools to return to our sacred partnership with nature.
Inner Climate Buoyancy as Earth Changes Loom -- We are in an unfolding ecological and planetary crisis. Jennifer shares seven Crucial Capacities—skills necessary to meet these times with equanimity and wholeheartedness—to stay afloat, even joyful, amid the seismic shifts happening on our planet. Based upon visionaries' revelations, Jennifer's ability to synthesize and codify these concepts into seven daily practices offers inspiration and hope.
AS WITHIN: Our Bodies are Holograms of Earth -- The paradox: to "save the planet" we must start close in. Many experts today espouse solutions "out there" in response to Earth in crisis: having exceeded its carrying capacity, been plundered and polluted by resource extraction, and from losing species at alarming rates. We live in a biosphere, a superorganism where everything is connected. Thus, when we heal and attend to our own bodies as holograms of Earth, we are making the most significant difference possible. Jennifer shares her journey from brokenness to wholeness through nature, writing, meditation, and sounding practices.
Rewilding Your Landscape, Rewilding Your Life -- To rewild a life is to shift your way of walking in the world – to don the robes of a restorer, to rematriate, and to bring back the sacred to ourselves. In this way, what Thict Naht Han would call, “walking as though our feet are kissing the Earth,” we cultivate an attunement to deeper listening, balance, and coherence with Earth. What's possible when we shed our attitude of “dominion over” our gardens and remember and restore our sacred partnership with the natural world? Jennifer has nine suggestions to infuse your landscape and your life with what renowned landscape designer Mary Reynolds calls, “the healing, magical energy of Earth.”
RECLAIM YOUR WILD: 5 Principles -- From her massive identity shift—corporate engineer to Earth ally—Jennifer identifies five principles to align with the rhythm of Earth, getting back to our innate purpose, balance, and beauty in the process.
APPROVE THIS MOMENT: Tap into Your Innate Creative Power -- What enlivens or erodes the potential of your life? As quantum physics has revealed, it is your innate creative power, returning the energy you send out. Despite the distracting drama our culture perpetuates—violent movies, sensational news, reality TV shows—when we can catch ourselves in response mode and switch to creator mode, we become the captains or our lives.
Please contact my publicist below for book tour events and me directly for other speaking engagements.
Mickey Mikkelson