❊ sanctuary ❊
Wild Wonder Forest Bathing
a natural antidote for these tumultuous times
lush green forests, sparkling ocean, babbling brooks, forest offerings and tea ceremony
Forest Bathing is a restorative and awe-inspiring practice of walking in nature.
When we slow down to explore the natural world through all the senses, including the sixth sense, a world of wonders greets us.
Research shows that as trees shower us with invisible aerosols, we relax, our immune systems get a boost, and our cortisol levels, blood pressure, and heart rate all decrease.
I schedule Forest Bathing walks based upon season and weather. There are many special places in Southern Maine to choose from. If you have a special request, please add it in the comments. No dogs allowed unless by special arrangement.
I provide 2-hour walks. Other durations or private walks can also be requested via email.
Cost: $30 per person for one walk (Children under 5 free.)
$75 per person for a series of 3 walks
Groups of 4 or more receive a copy of Jennifer’s nature-themed children’s book, “The Inside of ME.”
“The walk brought me closer to what truly matters — breathing, connecting, and finding wonders all around.” — Fran L.
“I want to thank you. I’ve realized if I had taken more walks like these earlier in life, I’d have been a better husband and a better father.” — Michael L.
See the Wild Wonder Event Schedule and/or Register.
For Gift Cards
Writing from the Wild Side
weaving from our interconnected self
Aligning with the rhythm of Earth brings us what Rudolf Steiner calls, “soul-quiet,” and “spirit-calm.” It is from this inner peacefulness we can gain perspective and new insights worthy of putting pen to paper for.
In this experience of six sessions, part field trip into natural places and part writing and storytelling, we’ll draw upon some of the world’s best mythmakers, like Dr. Martin Shaw and Dr. Sharon Blackie, to immerse ourselves in our edgy imaginations, to surrender our rational minds for experiences in nature’s atmospheres, and to explore our relationship with the subtle realms in ourselves as nature. What’s the more that can arise in you when you deepen your relationship with the natural world?
“I thought I’d explored my writing edges, and then I attended one of Jen’s immersive, creative writing workshops. Wow!” -- Julia O.
Please contact me for upcoming dates.
Cultivating Buoyancy for Ourselves & Earth
supporting inner capacities to meet looming Earth changes
“We may not have chosen the time, but the time has chosen us.” - John Robert Lewis
Everywhere you look, you see it coming. We are in an unfolding ecological and planetary crisis. And yet, have you observed in yourself or others the tendency toward overwhelm, shutting down or dissociation at precisely the time when creative collaborations are vital? Recognizing this unique moment – the most transformative era in human history and the stakes for life on earth – I host a workshop that provides tools to give you buoyancy amid looming uncertainty and great loss.
This trauma-informed program (two 2-hour zoom sessions) helps participants answer questions such as:
1. What skills are needed to keep our internal equilibrium when we are “triggered” by someone whose beliefs are vastly different from our own?
2. What radically different tools and strategies will help us (i.e. give us “sea legs”) to dwell in the unknown amid rolling chaos?
3. What personal habits/choices must change in order to apply nature’s laws of reuse, repurpose, recycle? (Nothing in nature is “new.”)
“Jen, you did a beautiful job of incorporating movement, reflection, conversation, silence, and videos into the sessions. All zooms that are two hours should have movement and time off screen! What a rich experience.” -- Rev. Laura M.
Please contact me for upcoming dates.
A last note…
In addition to the workshops described, I provide individualized support to listen for, define, and deepen your own Noble Contribution — the place where your gifts meet the needs of the world. No clarity is necessary; in fact, dwelling in the unknown is preferred. When a soul begins to align with its purpose, the heart carries superlative qualifications. What can you offer that aligns with your heart’s longing? Go. Do. That.
Please contact me for more details.
“I felt that my own world and the world around me had become more animated, my dreams more possible. I felt braver, freer to explore more of my own depths, encouraged and enlarged by the stories from the other participants.” ~ Deb B.
Join me.
For more information concerning any of these offerings, please fill out the form below. I’ll get back to you quickly.