About Jennifer Comeau
My stories, songs, speaking events, and nature-based walks and workshops all seek to help you remember and restore your sacred partnership with the rest of the natural world.
I grew up one of eight children in suburban Tonawanda, New York. Following the dictates of family and societal programming, I jumped into the world of engineering, earning a Masters of Engineering from University at Buffalo, and a Bachelors of Industrial Engineering at General Motors Institute, now Kettering University.
After decades working as an executive for manufacturers in the auto industry and then in information systems, I returned to my early love for how words, music, nature, and beautiful places can enliven the whole landscape of a life. I began to write songs, and stories — speaking and performing them throughout the country, and soon, narrowed my focus to align with my reverence for Earth.
Today I’m taking a stand for wild spaces, including those within each of us, for we too, are nature. As a certified Forest Therapy Guide, singer-songwriter, and author-speaker, I’m thrilled that my nature-themed children’s book, The Inside of Me will be published in June 2024 (12 Willows Press) and my Irish novel with original songs, A Moon in All Things, is slated for publication in early 2025. My love affair with Earth can be read about in four anthologies, and I’ve produced two albums of original music as well.
I’m proud to be both a Trustee for TreeSisters, an international reforestation and women's empowerment organization, and a global YOUth LEADing The World facilitator with OzGREEN out of Australia. I maintain a philanthropic practice of donating 20% of all proceeds to causes that cultivate the work of land and animal protection, or of places that foster a spirit of courage, resiliency and hope among those facing difficult life circumstances.
I’m mightily blessed to be married to a guy who holds my kite string (lyrics from my song, Kite String), a people-like poodle who brings me both joy and life-lessons in equal measure, and scores of creatures and beings, animate and inanimate, seen and unseen who reside at Sunrise Hill. Here, where canopies of giant oaks and soaring maples provide shady respite beneath cobalt blue skies; where apple trees and 300-year-old lilacs fill the air with fragrance; where acres of woodland and open spaces are dotted with contemplative sitting areas, I write, hold climate buoyancy workshops, and have a nature-themed business entitled, Wild Wonder Forest Bathing.
During my scary transformation from a stable career in command-and-control Corporate America to a pathless path following the dictates of my heart and the guidance of my intuition, I wrote the poem you see here, “At Long Last.” I hope my words inspire you to write your own secret bio, one aligned with your noble contribution.
Thoughts on collaborations? Email me.
At Long Last
At long last
I’ve come out of hiding
a half-century is all
it took
This is no crossroads;
this is a launch pad.
From a cliff?
Into a sea?
Up where the air is clear?
I throw myself into radical uncertainty
Yet I hold onto
I hold it lovingly to my breast
A secret bio
with nouns like sanctuary-keeper, way-shower
and storyteller
(that tenderly dislodge other nouns
like engineer, executive, and project manager)
I hold this holy thing as a launch pad
and cast off
everything else.